Grannyg, well, life is filled with change, I been through many myself...
I'm sure with your Love and help, ya'll make it through these tuff times, there is always friends, family and neighbors, things will get done, maybe not quite like you'd do em yerself, but good enough to get the garden in, and the harder chores...
As for the critters...
Benny will need to take it easy, However, he will need excercise and freash air.
Maybe not right now, but down the road he most likely he can still care for some things...just take it easy, my favorite sayin on this was from a dear old friend down home who'd had multiple heart attacks:
I can still do what I like, just can't go at it like I'm killin snakes.....
slow and easy Benny, wins the race
Back a few years I had my cholesterol checked right after my Pa died from heart disease...
it was 278
Doc put me on ona them "
If it tastes good...SPIT IT OUT" Diets....
I was lucky, and still was fairly young, and otherwise healthy. I was able to walk hills and hollers fer a couple thhree miles a day..
I didn't follow the diet to the letter, but I read everything, and started my own version...
Think about "Small portions" more then anything...
Eggs, Nope couldn't eat eggs...but I did..ONE per week.
ham, bacon or sausage...
I did have ham, ifin the occasion arose..again, one small piece, once a week
sausage and bacon...well, I did eat TURKEY bacon...and I tell ya, You take ground turkey or chicken, add assorted herbs, sage, pepper, a lil makes a great sausage substitute..
TAKE MY WORD PHOLKS...the store bought Turkey sausage is...YUCKO...
Red Meat...Man o Man what am I gonna do with out a big juiicy prime rib...I snuck a small size piece once in a while
Learn the many ways to PREPARE that ROUND STEAK...yeah the stuff with no fat marbling....
smaller is better, if you slice it into thin strips, and get ain't bad.
Chicken...well, I LOVE the fried chicken, yummy fried chicken skin...(Hmmm, getting a mite hungry here)...
But I knew I couldn't have, I would remove that skin...
and the cat got fat...
I'd place that chicken on a dish, sprinkle it with paprika, or cayenne and cover with wax paper...
and MICROWAVE IT...yeahm I know...but, it beats not havin chicken...and the pepper sorta makes it look BROWN...
You get used to it Benny, believe me...and On that subject,
milkdoc most likely wants you even lower den that BLUE MILK, he wanted me on 1%...
Now I'ma milk drinker, I can easily drink a quart at a meal, I restrain myself, back then, I'd havta stop myself from drinkin a half gallon at a sittin..of WHOLE MILK...
but this is what I did...
I went to the store and got 1/2% was TERRIBLE...
I drink that fer two weeks...then...
I bought a gallon of 1%...
Ya know, after 2 weeks of the 1/ tasted like whole milk ...try this to break the hold that the whole milk has on Ya... I ate fudge bars, ya know them imitation, chocolate thangs..
and there is frozen custard, not bad at all, and like Grannyg said, there is sherbert...
Or eat a small portion occasionally of ice cream..again..Once in a while...
Laura awhile back, had a cholesterol reading of 269..on the advice of out 89 year old neighbor, she started eating and drinking honey and cinnamon...
She made a strong tea and mixed the honey and cinnamon in it, and we had honey and cinnamon on toast...she did this for two weeks prior to a check up...her chol. went from 269 to 172!!
Above all,
Mickyg...thats a good Idea...PM ME